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Need hosting? Want to pay in KAU or KAG?
We do that, but billing is not currently automated.
We focus on sites that need a reliable host for their free speech — people who are posting reasonable but unpopular opinions. If you have been punished elsewhere for suggesting that “men” and “women” might be biologically different, then we will happy host you and won’t censor you just because other people don’t like your opinions. Hosting costs 1 KAG per month, or 3.5 KAG per month if you arrive with the Internet Mobs on your heels and we will immediately be dealing with take-down requests and threats for allowing you to voice your opinion.
We don’t care what your beliefs are or what you want to say, with few limits (don’t scam people, don’t do porn, don’t slander or creep on people — note that whistleblowing is just fine, but provide proof.) Fill out the contact form above and we’ll arrange for payment and set you up a WordPress site like this one, ready to go, fully managed, with Cloudflare configured as an additional barrier to the Internet Mobs you’ve upset.
Just want to say “good job?”
We take tips.